I'm currently a student. My interests are reflected in the content of this website, but I should probably write this out for home page display purposes. I love words, dark chocolate, gardening, biology, playing around with HTML, and in general, life.
So welcome to my imaginings. School stuff, projects, trash of a young chloroplast in a plant cell. Take a look around. Maybe you'll see a tardigrade!
Closest thing to a blog that's going to happen here.
February 3, 2019: What, updating in 2019? "Crows" added to the short stories section.
December 20, 2018: There is one day until winter break. Updating from a school computer feels weird but I am bored and have no work.
October 21, 2018: Under construction!!!
Site map (in-progress)
For the lost and the lazy.
Credit to Katarzyna Pe
on Unsplash for the original photo used in the header image and Lauren of Subtle Patterns for the background pattern.
Much thanks to Neocities and everyone on here as well.
An actual photograph of me in the wild.